Ofsted & Performance Data

For latest information about IQRA Academy from Ofsted (inspection reports and data dashboard) see below:

Performance Data

To see how we are performing in relation to other schools have a look at the DfE link below.

The Department for Education (DfE) Performance Tables provide a reliable and accessible source of comparative information on pupil attainment and progress, absence, workforce and finance. 

Click here to visit the Department of Education  school and college performance measures website.

Click here to visit the Department of Education's school and college performance measures website for IQRA's school comparison data.

Key stage 2 (end of primary) results 2018/2019 and 2022/23

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


Early Years Results – Good Level of Development (GLD)
School result 51%
National result 77% (FFT)
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 
School result 67%
National result 79%
Year 2 Phonics Screening Check 
School result 93%
National result 89%
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment Summary
Subject Working at or above the expected standard High Attaining

(2023 data still pending)
2023 School
Reading 68% 69% 28% 10%
Writing 60% 68% 13% 5%
Maths 70% 75% 23% 10%
R, W, M, Combined N/A 58% 7% 0%
Key Stage 2 Attainment Teacher Assessment Summary
Subject Working at or above the expected standard High Attaining

Progress Measures from KS1 to KS2

Reading: -3.0

Writing: 0.9

Maths: -3.0

2023 National 2023 School 2023 National 2023 School
Reading 73% 62% N/A 18%

Average scaled scores (rounded):

102 (N.105)

101 (N.104)

102 (N. 105)

Writing 71% 77% N/A 14%
Maths 73% 61% N/A 13%
EGPS 72% 58% N/A 16%
R, W, M, Combined 59% 49% N/A 8%
Science 80% 84% N/A N/A