School Transport

Start of Day Arrangements

The school gates are unlocked each day at 8:40am. Children and parents can enter and wait in the playground for the doors to open at 8:45m. The doors will close at 8:55am prompt so that children are ready in the classrooms when the learning starts at 9:00am.

If you bring your child/ren to school by car, please remember to park safely and to avoid parking on the zig zag markings, yellow lines or in the disabled parking bays unless you have a blue badge . The road outside of school can get very busy and where possible we would encourage families to walk to school. If this is not possible, make sure you leave enough time to find a parking space and be prepared to park further away from school and to walk the last part of the journey. Bradford council will be monitoring the parking situation and will be issuing penalty notices for anyone parked on zig zag or yellow lines and who is not parked safely.

The school crossing patrol will be on duty to help you cross Drummond Road safely.  Please avoid crossing between parked cars.

End of Day Arrangements

Teaching time finishes at 3.30pm which is when all gates will be opened.  You can collect your child from their class teacher from this time until the gates close at 3.40pm.  At this time, any pupils not collected will be taken to the main school reception. 

Again, if you are travelling to school by car, please park safely and avoid the zig sag markings and yellow lines.  Please remember to leave disabled parking spaces empty so that families with a blue badge can access them. 

Once again, the school crossing patrol will be on duty at the end of the day to help you cross Drummond Road safely.

Our priority as always if to keep all our pupils safe and families safe.

Travelling to and from school

We strongly encourage all families to walk to school. There are many benefits to walking, including.

•    Its free –with the rising cost of petrol, this is a real bonus.
•    It's good for the environment – it reduces air pollution. 
•    It's good for your health.
•    It reduces traffic around school  - this makes the area safer.
•    It cuts down on unnecessary short journeys.

School Minibus

We currently have two minibuses which are used for school trips and to develop children’s knowledge of the wider world.

Cycling and Scootering to School

As part of our policy to encourage children to cycle or scoot to school we have a bike rack and place to store scooters, children should bring a bike lock to secure their bike.

Children who cycle to school and leave their bikes on the school premises do so at their own risk and parents should make sure:

Children of all ages may ride their bike to school if accompanied by a parent.

In Years 5 and 6, children may ride independently, as long as they have parental permission, they ride safely and carefully, and are very mindful of other road users and pedestrians.

Children are not permitted to ride bikes or scooters on the school grounds including the playgrounds.